15th-Year Anniversary of FCHP
The Spanish association FCHP celebrated its 15th anniversary in Madrid on December 1st. Approximately 200 guests were invited, representing a diverse group that included patients, carers, health authorities, PH researchers, PH specialists, social workers, psychologists, representatives from PHA Europe and PHA, TV celebrities, and pop musicians, to name a few.
The diversity of the audience reflected the broad scope of FCHP’s work. One of FCHP’s primary focus areas is, of course, the PH patients. They invited two young representatives to the stage. A 15-year-old spoke about her struggles and fears of undergoing an operation to receive an implantable pump. Additionally, a charming seven-year-old girl read a disease related fairy tale that her class had written, which she had illustrated. Her illustrations were displayed on the screen as she narrated the story, captivating the audience with her enthusiasm.
Another key focus for FCHP is supporting PH research. The association has successfully raised significant funds for research initiatives. Several researchers were present at the anniversary event and briefly presented their work on stage. A short roundtable discussion also took place, emphasizing the importance of PH holistic care among healthcare professionals.
Matt Granato from PHA highlighted the strong relationship with FCHP, noting their recent collaboration on a two-event webinar series related to medical trials. The next webinar, scheduled in about two weeks, will feature a presentation by one of the Spanish researchers.
In my speech, I emphasized that FCHP is one of our 37 significant members and that the research they support benefits the entire global PH community. (The speech is attached at the end for those interested in reading it.)
The official anniversary celebration concluded with FCHP presenting awards to many of their key collaborators, both within and outside the industry. The diversity of the recipients once again showcased the broad reach of FCHP in their work.
A renowned Spanish singer duo performed a song titled “We are all similar,” which they dedicated to the association, bringing a successful event to a close.
The event was followed by a cocktail reception, providing ample opportunity for networking.
Congratulations to Enrique and his team on a job well done!
Hall Skaara
Dec 3rd, 2023
Speech at the FCHP anniversary event is available here.
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